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.22 Challenge Fun Match

Rifle/Pistol Matches

.22 Challenge Fun Match

All events are now listed on the calendar. For best results contact the match director to confirm any last minute changes.

2025 Dates (last Saturday of each month except in April, weather permitting):
April 12th, May 31st, June 28th, July 26th, August 30th, September 27th, October 25th, November29th
Registration at 8:30 a.m. with the required safety briefing at 9:00 a.m.  The match should be completed before noon. 

Each contestant will be engaging a “Know Your Limits” type swinging target from the bench at either 25 – 50 – 75 yards depending on the firearm and scope.  Ten shots at 8 swinging targets; 3 different times for score.  ANY .22 cal. rimfire rifle or pistol with ANY rest from the bench. (No .22 magnum guns.)

$15 entry fee per participant.  Up to 2 guns.

Requirements Include:
•    Eye & Ear Protection
•    30 rounds for score.  Unlimited sighters.  NO HYPER VELOCITY AMMO.
•    ANY .22 rimfire rifle or pistol and ANY rest. (No .22 magnum guns)
•    Spotting scopes or binoculars for scoring other shooters.

Strict safety rules will be enforced!


For a complete set of rules, contact:     

Match Director Neil Lunzmann
