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Shotgun / Trap Range

Shotgun and Trap

Shotgun / Trap Range

All current trap members have been oriented on the safe use of the trap machines and as a current trap member, you are the club’s representative for safety. By the member completing the range orientation and/or renewing their membership, the member indicates acceptance of, and compliance with, all range rules and procedures. Safety for the shooters and visitors is foremost in the interests of the Lincoln Ikes.

We have seven traps, six of which are available for our current trap members to use for singles trap and one trap is dedicated to doubles trap. These traps are usually open from sunrise or 7:00 a.m. (whichever is later) until 10:00 p.m. We have lights that allow our current trap members to utilize the trap range up to 10:00 p.m. We do have special events in which the traps are not available, such as high school shoots and practices, scheduled trap events, and trap leagues. Current members of the trap range pay their annual range and membership fees, plus a fee for every 27 rocks that are thrown.

Trap Rules & Regulations

Trap houses #1 – #7 are available to the Lincoln Ikes current trap members.

Price for a round of trap (26 targets): $6.00/Round

The self-use traps are available for use by cardholders and they are urged to include their family & their guests. The membership card &/or LongRange card may not be loaned to another person or used by family members.  The current trap member must be present; thus, youth are not allowed to come to the range & shoot on their own.  This is a rule violation & could result in the loss of your membership.  By the member completing the range orientation &/or renewing their membership, the member indicates acceptance of, & compliance with, all range rules & procedures. All cardholders are members of the Lincoln Izaak Walton League. This is your facility to use & enjoy; treat it as though it were your own property.

Self-use trap members are required to use the Long Range card to purchase rounds of targets using their credit or debit card.  This charging kiosk is located just inside the east clubhouse door with access using the trap combination.  Each round will provide 26 targets.  A card reader is located in each trap house.  Instructions on how to operate this system will be provided when receiving your new card from one of the contacts listed at the end of this document.  There will be $20 refundable deposit for each card.

During most of the year, some traps will have voice activated mics set up on the range (See Canterberry Voice Release – Voice Activated Mics instructions below).

The Self-Use trap member is the Range Master responsible and must be present for his or her family, guests, and all activity around the trap. When two or more trap members are present, all trap members have the responsibility to maintain a safe shooting environment.



·        Eye and ear protection required

·        Action always open until ready to shoot

·        Only one shell in the shotgun at a time unless shooting doubles

·        No shot larger than 7½

·        Always point muzzle in a safe direction downrange

·        No person shall use any of the Ike’s ranges while consuming or impaired by alcohol or any chemical substance. Alcohol may be consumed in the clubhouse, or on the clubhouse grounds (in other specifically designated areas) only if it is provided from the clubhouse bar and AFTER shooting for the day.

The traps are available for your use during 7:00 a.m. or sunrise time, whichever is later and until 10:00 p.m. most days. The traps are not available for your use during scheduled trap activities (leagues and shoots) which includes our high school practices on Monday thru Thursday from 3:30-6:30 p.m. (February – April). Please avoid using Trap 3 when there is an event held in the clubhouse.  At other times if a school team is using Trap 1, 2, and/or 3, please inform the coach that you are a member wishing to use the trap and they will let you in. All questions and suggestions to improve the Self-Use Trap program should be directed to Dave Tunink or Craig Keaschall.

The trap operating instructions are posted in the trap house as well.



All current trap members have been oriented on the safe use of the trap machines and as a current trap member, you are the club’s representative for safety. Safety for the shooters and visitors is foremost in the interests of the IKES.

The trap house is equipped with a ground fault interrupt “GFI”. It is located on the plug-in on the left side of the trap house as you look into the house. The one GFI controls the plug-ins on both sides of the trap house but not the light. If the trap does not work and a small light is evident between the plug-ins; the GFI has been tripped. Reset the GFI by pressing the button below the light. Power is restored when the light goes off.





1.      Place your card on the designated spot on the kiosk/card reader box.

2.      Follow instructions on the monitor.

3.      If you make a mistake, just take your card off and then lay it back on there and it’ll start over.

4.      If there is a white screen and a little message box, just click the Quit button and it’ll clear it out so it’s ready for you to use.



1.      All traps except Trap 1 are set up for singles (one rock per time). Trap 1 is set up to throw/pay for Doubles after the first week of May. Members should use Traps 1, 2, or 3 if they are available. If those traps are busy, you may use the next trap (i.e., Trap 4, or then Trap 5, or then Trap 6, or lastly Trap 7).

2.      Get into each Trap House with the code specified for the current year.

3.      All electricals in the trap houses should be unplugged (in case of lightning storm) from the previous trap shooter. Plug in each cord when beginning (cord to the trap machine, the Long Range card reader and the Canterberry Voice Release (voice-activated mics) box (if set up). Give the trap card reader a few moments and then it’ll be ready for you to insert your trap card. It will read “Izaak Walton” when it is on.

4.      Push the “Pump Motor” switch to the ON position. (In cold weather, the pump motor may have to run for 10 or more minutes before the system operates properly.)

5.      Insert your Long Range trap card into the kiosk inside of the trap house. It will then tell you how many targets you currently have on your card (from what you have loaded onto it from the purchase of rocks that you’ve made at the kiosk in the clubhouse). If you want to shoot one round, push the YELLOW button, and it will take 25 targets off of your card count. (We give 27 total rocks for each round to accommodate when you would like to see one and another for any other reason.)

6.      If you want to shoot two or more rounds, you will insert the trap card into the trap house kiosk and then push the YELLOW button again, taking off another 25 targets from your card count.

For example: Say you have five people that will be shooting with you on a round. You will need to re-insert your Long Range trap card, push the YELLOW button and then take it out EACH of the five times. (You can’t just keep the trap card in and keep pushing the YELLOW button five times.)

7.      If you want to check to make sure that the rocks look good (height-wise, etc.), first arm the machine and then you can flip the Release switch (one of the two switches near the stairs in each trap house) while you are down there to see if it is set at the right height/settings. Once you have this set as you’d like, you can arm the machine (“ON” position) then it is ready for you to shoot. Now the rocks will be deducted from your card (when you are using the cord button or the Canterberry Voice Release (voice-activated mics).

8.      Unroll the pull cord if used. Untangle the cord if needed. DO NOT PULL ON THE CORD.

9.      Put the throwing arm switch in the ON position (this will arm the machine).

10.   If you are using the Canterberry Voice Release (voice activated mics), see instructions below.



In nicer weather months, several of the practice traps will be set up with voice release equipment to provide members more ease and enjoyment of their trap shooting experience.  Here are some procedures needed to operate:

1.     You will need to plug in the gray box electrical cord in the outlet on the east wall of the trap house.

2.     The pull cord is located in the step-up tool box located in front of the 16-yard line on the trap fan.

3.     You can push the button for single target to check the height of the machine and then just turn on (red light will be on) to activate the mics.

4.     Be sure to turn this OFF when talking or moving the mics as it will continue to pull targets you are charged for!

5.     Treat all the cords with respect thus no pulling hard as it is made of light gauge wire.

6.     When done, put the pull cord back in the tool box and close tight.

7.     Unplug the cord in the trap house for the gray box, LongRange box and the trap machine to remove potential problems with a lightning strike.



1.     Put the throwing arm in the safe “disarmed” position. Move toggle switch to release position, then move to OFF position. You will now be able to see the red throwing arm near the front of the carousel. It will not disarm if motor is off.

2.     Push the “Pump Motor” switch to the OFF position.

3.     Unplug the trap machine, the Long Range card reader kiosk and the voice activated gray box.

4.     Fill the carousel with rocks and scoop out any broken rocks off of the trap house floor.

5.     Wrap up the cord from the trap house or put the power control switch back in the step-up tool box that is in front of the 16-yard line on the trap fan.

6.     Close the front door to the trap house and lock it.

7.     Take the empty, flattened cardboard boxes to the dumpster on the west side of the green steel building.

8.     Pick up all empty shells from the range and put in the garbage cans.

9.     If trap house is empty of targets or the trap machine is not working properly, please contact Dave Tunink.



1)     The Pat trap is hydraulic and thus must be warmed up in cold weather. Running the motor for 15 minutes or more in freezing weather is needed prior to turning it on to throw targets. DO NOT MOVE THE CRANK ON THE SIDE; IT IS FOR TARGET SPEED.

2)     ALL empty boxes are to be broken down and deposited in the recycle dumpster in front of the rock storage building (green steel building west of the clubhouse). Please help us from needing to raise our fees again.

3)     When relocking the trap house, please have the lock in the position so the numbers on the lock are up right.  It makes it much easier for the next person to unlock.



Dave Tunink, Self-Use Trap Chairman, 402.430.1759,

Craig / Natalie Keaschall, Managers, 402.499.9767 / 402.474.6555, /

Todd Walter, Long Range Trap Card Issues, 402.560.2320,
