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Trap Leagues

Shotgun/Trap Matches

Summer and Fall Trap Leagues

The Ike’s trap range consists of seven trap houses equipped with automatic trap machines and all seven can be used by members since they all have the same lock combination and are equipped with the trap card system. Voice activated calls are set up on several traps starting in March and ending in November for our members to use. One trap is set up to shoot doubles starting on May 1st. 

The Ike’s sponsors a Summer Trap League, a Fall Trap League, and a Summer Youth Trap League. In addition to this; several local junior and high schools use the facility for practice from early February thru April to prepare for the upcoming season. Typically, about 200 high school shooters practice on our range. The Ike’s typically sponsor two area junior/high school trap shoots with more than 350 participants in late March and April along with an All-Conference shoot for junior high shooters at the end of the season.

2025 Summer Trap League (May 8-August 28, except July 3)

The Summer Trap League is a 15 week season that begins in the first or second week of May. (Check the club calendar for more details.) Dave Tunink is the Ike’s member supervising this league. The league is made up of teams sponsored by various businesses or the team can elect to sponsor themselves. An $85.00 sponsorship fee is charged and this money is used for awards at the awards dinner at the end of the shooting season. Both Ike’s members and non-Ike’s members are invited to shoot. The team roster with up to ten shooters along with the sponsorship fee is required before shooting starts. The fee will be $8.00 per round.

Shooting typically starts at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 9:00/9:30 p.m.. The team that shoots at 6:30 p.m. one week will shoot at 7:00 p.m. the next week. Only the team members on the roster are allowed to shoot. During the first two weeks of shooting, scores will be used to determine averages and classification will be finalized (AAA, AA, A, B, etc.) The previous year's team average will also be used in this determination. The first round will be from the 16-yard line and based on the team score a handicap yardage will be assigned. Teams will be assigned on who they are competing against which will change every week. One point will be assigned for the 16-yard, handicap, and overall scores for a potential total of 3 points. All ties will split the point - giving both teams ½ the point. Team members need to have a minimum of one round of 16 yard targets and one round of handicaps during the first two weeks of qualifications.


Handicap Table    (16-yard Team Scores = Yardage)

121-125 = 27 yards 101-105 = 23 yards
116-120 = 26 yards 96-100 = 22 yards
111-115 = 25 yards 90-95 = 21 yards
106-110 = 24 yards Under 90 = 20 yards

If a team shoots short (less than 5 shooters) they will have a score of their competitions lowest score minus 5 targets for the team score. For figuring handicap yardage we will use a score of 25 for the absent shooter and will again put down a score of their competitions lowest score minus 5 targets.

If you have a team, click on the Team Sign-up Sheet to bring up a printer friendly sign-up sheet. Note: the sheet gives you the “Sponsor Fees” and tells you where to send the sign-up sheet and the check. If you are an individual shooter, contact Dave Tunink 402.430.1759 and we will try to place you on a team. Please submit your sign-up sheet at least two weeks prior to the start of the season. Payment to be submitted by the first night of league.

2025 Fall League (September 4 - October 23)

The Fall Trap League is an eight-week league and typically starts in late-August and ends in October. (Check the club calendar for more details.) Dave Tunink is the Ike’s member supervising this league. The league is made up of teams sponsored by various businesses or the team can elect to sponsor themselves. A $40.00 sponsorship fee is charged and this money is used for awards. Both Ike’s members and non-Ike’s members are invited to shoot. A team roster and the sponsorship fee are required before shooting starts but shooting is not restricted to team members only. Anyone can be brought in to shoot at any time.

The Lewis system of scoring is used and this means that all of the teams shooting are shooting against each other. At the end of the night the total scores for each team are listed and one point is awarded to the first, fifth, tenth team etc. shooting. One half point is awarded to the second, sixth, eleventh etc. team. In this league the teams sign up for a particular time slot on a first-come-first-serve basis and they shoot at the reserved time for the whole eight weeks. The first round of rocks is shot from the 16 yard line and the second round is shot from longer yardage. The longer yardage is determined by the points awarded to the team in past weeks of shooting.

If you have a team, click on the Team Sign-up Sheet to bring up a printer friendly sign-up sheet.

Note the sheet gives you the “Sponsor Fees” and tells you where to send the sign-up sheet and the check. If you are an individual shooter, contact Dave Tunink 402.430.1759 and we will try to place you on a team.

Please note if the team consists of all-youth shooters, there is a reduced sponsor fee. Payment to be submitted by the first night of league.

