Youth Catch & Release Fishing Pond

If you have been out to fish lately, you know the water quality and water level has suffered greatly this season. The lake requires run-off from our neighbors to remain fresh and productive, but this year’s drought hasn't produced much and the lake responded with heavy algae and other vegetation in recent weeks that overloaded the oxygen level to the point of eliminating the remaining panfish population.
As a result, our board decided that the best future would be to drain the lake to begin an upgrade to the facility. We plan to evaluate potential reshaping of the dirt work and will explore better fishing platforms. The drawdown has begun and if mother nature smiles with normal rain events, perhaps we can have it restocked by next Spring 2023. But in the short term, drying of the bottom will facilitate future work.
The pond area is still open for picnics and walks around the CRP field; however, no one is allowed on the docks or further in the lake area for safety reasons. This fall, we will be calling on members to volunteer to help take out the docks (stay tuned or let us know if you would like to help with this).
The good news is that the old mother goose that called the pond home this spring has raised a pair of goslings that are now capable of flying south in the fall.
Please contact our management if you have any questions or concerns.
Located northwest of the trap range, a small pond with fishing piers is usually available for members and special functions (as of August 2022, this pond is closed due to the above mentioned redevelopment). This fishing pond is focused on youth 18 and younger. When it is open, current members can bring youth, ages 18 and under, out to fish. As long as the youth have a fishing pole in the water, the older member can fish as well. All fishing is catch and release. Anyone 16 years of age and older must have a current Nebraska fishing license. The pond is open to our members and their guests from sunrise until sunset typically. It is closed occasionally for certain events, including trap meets or trap league nights. A life preserver is located on the dock if needed. Developed through the generosity of Emma Garber.
* No firearms allowed in this area aside from CCW which must not be visible.