Match Director: Jeff Shultz 402.770.3313
NOTE: All events are now listed on the calendar only. For best results contact the match director to confirm any last minute changes.
Benchrest matches are held on the first Saturday of the month. (If the weather and range road conditions cooperate.) We will usually run three relays during these matches when we have enough shooters in all of the classes. We must have at least three people shooting in a class to have a relay for that class. If a person is shooting all three classes, we'll make arrangements to keep them at the same bench through the whole match. No use moving all that equipment around any more than we have to. We alternate the classes throughout the year, so a different class is shooting first each month. That way each class gets a chance to shoot in the different conditions that present themselves on our range.
40 caliber is the maximum caliber allowed in these classes.
The shooting is limited to 30 minutes for each relay. After you have fired your shots on the targets, the targets get scored, and the individual scores are compared to the other scores in that class.
Custom, Varmint, and Hunter are the classes that we shoot on our range. The descriptions of the Classes are listed below. Most people will own some type of rifle that will fall into one of the classes. There is no scope limitation on any of these rifle classes. The cost is $10.00 for current Lincoln Ikes members or $15.00 for non-members, plus additional charge for each gun.
. These matches are open to Ikes members and the general public as well.
Custom Class — Any rifle, any sight, no weight limits. In this class you'll find mainly 6PPC's and 30BR's. Course of fire is 20 shots for record with unlimited sighters in 30 minutes. (Rail Guns Are Not Allowed)
Varmint Class — Any factory production made receiver and factory barrel, or a barrel of original factory contour as a replacement. Any trigger allowed. Rifle may be bedded and of any factory weight. The fore-end of the stock must be no wider than 2¾ inches. These rifles come with heavy barrels from the factory. The calibers in this class are mainly 223's and 308's. Course of fire is 20 shots for record with unlimited sighters in 30 minutes.
Hunter Class — This class is for your everyday deer-hunting rifle. Any factory production made receiver and factory barrel, or a barrel of original factory contour as a replacement is allowed. Any trigger is allowed. Rifle may be bedded and of any factory weight. There are some pretty good shooting rifles right out of the box these days. With good hand loads, it's nothing for these rifles to shoot 1½ inch groups at 200 yards. (With the right guy pulling the trigger that is.) The calibers that we normally see in this class are 308, 7-08, 270, 260 Rem. and some 223's. Course of fire is two 10 shot strings for record with unlimited sighters in 30 minutes each.
If you have any questions about shooting any of these matches with us, drop me an e-mail, or call me and I'll do my best to clear things up. See you at the range!
For more information about the 300-yard Benchrest matches, please contact the Match Director listed above.
300-Yard Rifle Range
NOTE: All events are now listed on the calendar only. For best results contact the match director to confirm any last minute changes.
The 300-Yard Rifle Range is host to many of our shooting events, including:
- 300-Yard Benchrest
- Bowling Pins
- .22 Challenge Fun Match
- .22 CMP Rimfire Sporter Rifle
- .22 Rifle Silhouettes
- IHMSA Handgun
Thanks to a dedicated group of Range Safety Officers (RSOs), the 300-yard range is now open to shooting on pre-scheduled dates. Check the calendar to find when the range is open to shooting, and the RSO in charge.
SAFETY is of the utmost importance and the RSO is in charge of the range.